Dev Log 4: Lore

A huge part of this game is the lore! The story of R-BRT is just one story out of many stories told in this alternate future where robots roam the abandoned earth. 

A big focus of this week was a shift from the routine level designing, prop making, and general art stuff to a more story-based focus as this game hits beta today (07/01/24). While I did write up a lot of the stories dialogue and conversations, I ultimately had to cut and changes some things to make things fit into some of the changes we have made from alpha. The script covers the introduction to the game all the way to the final credits of the game. After a brief introduction, S-4M (Sam) will warn R-BRT (Robert) of the enemies patrolling the area 

In addition to story dialogue, the player will also have the ability to find and collect hidden pieces of lore found throughout level 1. Originally the player would find these pieces of lore hidden throughout both levels however, we had felt we wanted to reward exploration and help flush out level 1 so we made the decision to have all the lore hidden on level 1.

There are currently 4 tablets hidden throughout level 1 that are hidden from the player, In the final game they will have a glow to them that will attract the player but for now the plan is that when they are picked up, they will display some lore about what life was like prior to the events of R-BRT.

The pieces of the lore will read like old emails. 


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