Devlog-01 Enemies

R-BRT-Enemy Bio 

Hello everyone, my name is Anna Hobbet, a member of team CaffeineRush! The first game we are making is called R-BRT. It is going to be a 3D first-person stealth game. What does the gameplay look like? Well, we are glad you asked. The gameplay has one core foundation. Don’t get caught by the guard bots. I will give a brief overview of the game, but mainly focus on the enemy bots. I will also show some brief concept art and animations I made.


What are we avoiding?

In this game you are a robot named R-BRT, a former stealth bot. R-BRT is trying to sneak past guard robots. The goal is to get to the top of the building and steal the phenix chip to save your dying friend. Getting past the guards is the hard part. There are three different kinds,

Ground guard,

This bot has a golem-like appearance with its appendages floating around his body. He is gorilla-like with huge arms and incredible strength. He is stationary unless you make too much noise, or are caught by his light. On his chest he has a circle of light that shines forward like a flashlight. He rotates it around as he is looking for intruders. Make sure not to get caught by it! He will move and investigate if he hears something. Once he sees you with his light, he will give chase. If he manages to catch up, it’s game over. Avoid his light and you’ll be alright!


Flying guard,

These guard bots look sort of bug-like and fly with a propeller overhead. They have a set pattern of movement, but like the Ground bot, you have to avoid making too much noise or being caught by their light. The light on them is shown from their face. Once seen they will give chase. If they catch up, it’s light’s out for R-BRT! 


The camera bots stay still, frozen on the wall. Spider like in appearance, they can be quite creepy. Only their head and gears move. Their head moves when it hears a sound. The gears are located on their abdomen and rotate constantly making a ticking sound. Their light comes from their one eye, and if spotted, they alert the whole building to your presence. This makes it another game over. Don’t get spotted by this guy.


My team and I are really excited to make R-BRT and I hope you all stay tuned for next time! Have a great day!



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