Dev Log 02: Mechanics

Hello everyone, Nasim here! I am one of the programmers on team CaffeineRush and I wanted to announce that we've added some fun abilities for the player to use while traversing the run down hospital environment of R-BRT! I was in charge of working on these abilities and I'll gladly explain and showcase the way to obtain abilities and how to use them.

The Battery:

The battery is the main way the player will be able to unlock an ability to use while playing the game, once the player picks up the battery they will be given a prompt to pick between using a Jetpack or an Invisibilty Cloak that will help them in their hunt for the Phoenix Chip. You can only choose one ability, so make sure you make the best out of your tools.

The Jetpack:

The Jetpack allows the player to temporarily fly off the ground for a brief period of time, this will allow players to reach higher elevations or to fly out of a tough spot if you're stuck around a group of enemies. The jetpack will allow the player to fly, however the player has a fuel system that will run out until the player touches the ground and allows their fuel to recharge for a couple of seconds. Starting off in our Alpha phase, we want players to try out the jetpack and within the following weeks it will be adjusted more to give the player more transparency with how much fuel they'll have and when they can be able to fly.

Invisibility Cloak:

The Invisibilty Cloak will allow the player to briefly become invisible to enemies who patrol the hospital's rooms and hallways. The invisibilty cloak will help the player be able to avoid risking detection and to slip by unnoticed, however this ability can be used for only a short amount of time and will have a large cooldown after use. The goal while working on this ability is to make it helpful to the player but not something that they player can overly rely on. After the Alpha phase, we want players to also try out the invisibility cloak and within the next period will make sure the player will know when they're invisible or when they return to normal as well as making sure that enemies work accordingly to this mechanic. 

Overall, we'd love our players to try out these fun abilities we have made and to stay tuned for the next update! Have a great day!


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